Light and Bright Colors at Dunkin’ Donuts

According to Michael Langford & Philip Andrews in their book, Langford’s Starting Photography:  The guide to creating great images:

“Without light there would be no photography.  Such statement seems almost so simple and obvious that voicing it sounds ridiculous, but sometimes we need to be reminded just how crucial light is to the creation of our images.

There is no underestimating the importance of good lighting in the popular areas of portrature and table top photography.  After all it is the light itself that gives volume, texture and shape to your subject.  Just as a sculptor reveals the form of their subject by carving away pieces of stone from a shapeless block, so too the photogdapher reveals the form of their subjects by describing their surface and shape with skilful lighting control.”

As I ate my breakfast at Dunkin’ Donuts, I observered how the heavily-colored walls reflected the light coming in from the front and side windows.  I wanted to capture this scene saturated with color, volume, textures and shapes.  My Canon PowerShot A720 IS does a pretty good job in capturing color as you will see.  She’s not yet ready to send out to pasture.

This is what came out of the camera’s lens.  Here we go.

Photograph of the bright color walls of a Dunkin' Donuts outlet at Marbella. I love to have breakfast here, plus their Wi-Fi system works flawlessly. The atmosphere is warm and cozy, as you can see. If you have a Full HD monitor, the colors practically jump off the screen. Photo by ©Omar Upegui R.

Aura, takes a look at the wide selection of ice cream available at this place. Take notice of the bright colors of the walls. Photo by ©Omar Upegui R.
My wife Aura, ferociously attacking a croissant sandwich at Dunkin' Donuts two Sundays ago. Photo by ©Omar Upegui R.

7 thoughts on “Light and Bright Colors at Dunkin’ Donuts”

  1. Omar:
    Donde esta este local? Cuando vivia en Panama no recuerdo que hubiera DD, pero bueno, eso hace tanto tiempo…!. Tampoco habia Bennigans, TGIF, Domino’s Pizza, Wendys, etc, etc.

    1. Hola Jaime:

      Este local está en el sector de Marbella, cerca del Hospital Paitilla, frente a Felipe Motta. Me gusta desayunar allí los domingos y aprovecho el sistema inalámbrico Wi-Fi que ellos tienen.



  2. Good Lord, Omar, you’re worried about what one beer will do to your blood pressure and then you eat breakfasts at Dunkin Donuts? I can hear your arteries hardening all the way up here in the mountains of western Panama.

  3. Hi Richard:

    It was a small breakfast consisting of a croissant and a small cup of cappuccino. No big deal. My real interest going there was to make use of their excellent Wi-Fi system and test my cellphone.

    I’m planning to install a wireless system at my house. Can’t help being a Geek, mind you.

    So far my blood pressure is under control—Thanks God. 🙂



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