Palm Tree With Clusters of Seeds

Photograph of an exotic palm tree loaded with abundant clusters of green seeds. Photo by ©Omar Upegui R.

During a recent visit to Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast, I happened into an exotic palm tree loaded with clusters of green seeds or nuts.  It was the first time I saw such a palm tree.  The abundant clusters of seeds caught me eye.  I’ve searched the Internet in an effort to find the name of this species, but no joy.

If you happen to know the name of this palm tree, I would appreciate if you would share it with us.  I’m sure somebody out there has this information and will be kind enough to introduce us to this palm tree.  The power of blogs is its scope and depth of reach, and I’m depending on this characteristic to find the name of this mysterious palm tree.

Enjoy this beautiful day of September.  In the Northern Hemisphere, fall is creeping in with its load of multi-colored leaves.  “Que c’est beau”!

Oh, before I forget, the palm tree was located at a middle class neighborhood in Panama City, Panama called “Marbella.” Good Day.

8 thoughts on “Palm Tree With Clusters of Seeds”

  1. Difficult task, Omar. I may have seen a similar one in the backyard of a restaurant here, but that´s not enough. Are the fronds like huge fans? According to Wikipedia there are 2,500-2800 palm species… You might enjoy comparing the palm with those I found at Vivero Naricular, Fotos de Palmas, Venezuela:

    ¡Good luck!

  2. Omar,
    I would guess it is in the Date Palm family, we had some in our yard in Venezuela that looked some what like it. They are so many varieties of date palm hard to be sure.


  3. Omar,
    Might also look in the oil palm family, if these seeds are not dates then they are the oil providing nuts. Hard to tell them apart from the date palms when they are younger trees.


    1. Hi Hilda:

      With so many pictures of almost identical palm trees, it’s hard to tell as you say. For the time being, I’ll let the readers imagine their own name, if you don’t mind.

      Thank your for reading my posts. You are one of my most loyal readers and I appreciate it. That’s why I write daily and take pictures on a consistent basis.



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