About Me

Let me give you a brief description of who I am. I’m married to the same woman for over  40 years. No kids and no dogs.  Just us.

In love with computers, photography, the Internet, blogging, movies, strolling aimlessly at the beach, listening to soft music and reading History e-books.

Retired at age 61 and looking forward to enjoying life to the fullest with a different perspective.

139 thoughts on “About Me”

      1. Hi Bob:

        Sorry, but as this moment I don’t know anybody that could help your friends with an English-speaking guide. I would recommend you tell your friends to request a guide at their hotel in Panama. I’m sure they will be able to help your friends.

        Best of luck,


    1. Hi gryphonscry:

      Thank you for your very kind words. I appreciate your comments. I’m glad to have you as one of my readers. I’ll do my best to bring you rich content every day.

      Best Regards,


  1. Wow, I really like your material and writing. Your blog is a bit like Don Ray’s Chiriqui Chatter plus . I have added a link from Boquete Guide under Panama Blogs, please reciprocate if you wish.

  2. Hi Lee:

    Thanks a lot for your kind appraisal of Lingua Franca. I read Chiriqui Chatter every day for inspiration. Don Ray is doing a superb job in his community.

    Thanks to him and another blogger, Abraham Lincoln, I got addicted to photography.

    Yes, we can go ahead and reciprocate our blog sites.

    Have a great day,


  3. I’ve just spent some time scrolling back through you’re site archives, a very interesting, informative, and entertaining experience. I too live in Panama City where i keep part of an diverse collection of native and exotic edible and medicinal plants and trees, mostly fruit trees, hidden in numerous semi-urban nurseries in Casco Viejo. If you still have room for more trees in your yard let me know the next time you’re in the area. I have photos of a lot of my plants on my weblog site.

  4. Hello Anthromes:

    Thank you for your kid offer of fruit trees. I will talk to my wife and let you know what she says. In my house, she’s the boss.

    Best Regards,


  5. Your blog is more than pictures when you add the historical background or something beyond a simple album. I greatly appreciate the extra work you do to give us this additional information. I have forward your various entries via Ye Olde Cut ‘n Paste method of sending the URL far & wide & know that your statistics reflect a jump. Great work!

    1. Hello Marie:

      You are so sweet. Thank you for your kind words. It is with great pleasure that I shoot these images and attach to them a message. It’s my way of sharing the country where I was born with the world. If we understand ourselves better, there would be fewer wars.

      I appreciate what you are doing to spread the word around.

      Best Regards,


  6. Hello, Mr. Omar Upegui,. I am please to know you,.and also love you writing, specialy about the enviroment, nature and much more. I am also from changuinola but live in USA for 40 years., I also have a good memories from my childhood in changuinola., .

    1. Hi Nereida:

      What a pleasant surprise to find a reader from Changuinola, of all places. I lived in Farm #8 and Baseline for many years. Maybe we have met. My father owned a commissary (Tienda Manila) in Baseline right in front of the train station.

      Welcome to Lingua Franca. Please come back at any time and give us your experiences in Changuinola.

      Best Regards,


  7. Just curious: what’s your name? People use different names to address you.

    I found your post on the Balboa Highschool. We’re actually 3 blocks away in Calle Las Cruces (2311a).

    It’s a beautiful area and former zonians love to stay here.


    1. Hi Thorwald:

      My name is Omar Upegui R. and I live in Panama City at Tumba Muerto. That is the name I use at Lingua Franca.

      The area where you live is a paradise on Earth with a long historic background. I wish I could live nearby.

      Thank you for dropping bye. Please come back anytime.



  8. hi i am impressed with the maturity of your thinking level, which has nothing to do with age
    your relaxed attitude is quite motivating
    we will love to hear from you till….we r here

  9. Hello Omar,

    I really like your self description. I am sure you are a very nice person.

    Omar, as you are an internet savvy person and also like photography, can i invite you to join our social network site http://www.ecpod.com ?

    ECPod.com is a social network site to connect China and the world, to make friends and share your world through photos, videos, blogs and more.

    I hope you can take a look at our site and join us our community too. Our chinese community would love to meet more foreigners and get to know about yourself, your country and your culture. Similarly we hope you get to do the same too.


    1. Hello Susan:

      I would love to join your social network ecpod. I think these types of social networks do a great deal in making our world more friendly.

      It would be my pleasure to make Panama known to the Chinese community. Thank you for inviting me and for your kind words.


  10. Thank you Omar for joining. I didnt know you are from Panama… I am personally keen to find out more. I read a lot about it on internet but i have never spoken to anyone that is actually from your country. I am planning for a short trip later this year. Anything interesting i can do at Panama? Is Portobelo worth visiting?

    Thanks in advance

  11. Hello Susan:

    I’m glad you’re planning to come on down to Panama. We have a wide variety of destinations for foreigners, like the Ruins of Panama Viejo, Casco Viejo, the Panama Canal, our tropical jungles, the beaches of Bocas del Toro, the highlands of Chiriquí, the Ruins of Portobelo, and so forth.

    If you read some of my posts at Lingua Franca, you will find photograph of some of these touristic places.

    Welcome to Panama!



  12. Hello Omar,

    How have you been? I have continued to enjoy your writing and your beautiful photography. I would like to invite you to view my galleries and hear your opinion.

    Nereida from Changuinola

    1. Hi Nereida:

      Well what do you know, from Changuinola, This place is very near my heart. This is where I grew up and built my character.

      Thank you for your encouraging words. Please let me know your URL so I can visit your site. I’ll be more than happy to express my opinion of your place.

      Edition: I just came back for your cyber place called Fine Art America. The pictures are outstanding. I understand you are a professional artist and have photographs in stock for sale.

      I tip my hat for the quality of your pictures. As you know, I’m still learning the ropes.

      God Bless,


      1. Hello Nereida:

        Will take a look at your websites. I’m sure there will be will something to make my eyes happy. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

        Best Regards,


  13. Hi Omar,
    thank you for sharing your time/toughts on this site.

    I lived in Changuinola for a short time 1yr ago. Since then, I’m still wishing to go back for a longer stay-perhaps even a permanent stay if I could find a way to generate good income there. I’ve always wanted to open an English after school there for the local people. Would you recomend it at all? Do you have any contacts you could share to assist in getting that dream in motion?

    1. Hi Sara:

      I think you have a good feasible project of opening an English school in Changuinola. The Panama Government is interested in promoting English as the country’s second language.

      My recommendation is to contact the Panama Ministry of Education for further information. The Minister, Lucy Molinar, is fluent in English. I’m sure you will be assisted in crystallizing your educational dream in Changuinola.

      Best of luck,


  14. Where is the location of the landscape you are using for your header on this website…. that photo is beautiful. I have started painting again and ran across your site and must know if there is a photo I could download?

    1. Hi Jacquelyn:

      The main picture my blog is from a WordPress theme called Misty Look created by Sadish Bala. Mr. Bala is the chief editor/ admin of a Web site involved in creating WordPress themes. He is an Indian guy currently living in the USA and has created many popular WordPress themes.

      If you wish to contact him, you can click the URL at the end of this comment. I’m sure he will help you in obtaining the photos you need.




  15. MR. OMAR:





    1. Hello José & Lilia:

      I’m glad you enjoyed Lingua Franca. Who know? Maybe one of these days I’ll be in Vienna, but not in Europe, but in Colombia. 🙂

      Thanks a bunch for your nice comments.


  16. Addendum on Global Kindle:

    Plus I can download almost ANY book in ANY quantity and not lack for reading material. It also works in the remote area in the Chiriqui provice…

  17. Hello Omar:
    I am charmed with your web site, and it me fills with pride that someone in Panama does investigation work and comments about our country like that, so the rest of the world learn details that are not regularly shown.

    And the truth is, I can enter whenever I please and practice my English.
    Regards to my aunt.

    1. Hello Argilio:

      Thank you for your encouraging comments. Comments like these trigger my interest in writing about Panama. Aurita sends her regards as well.

      Take Care,


  18. Omar,

    I am news editor of ‘Buses Worldwide’. I am running a story on the Volvo order for 1,000 buses in your city. I see that you have some good pictures of the ‘diablos rojos’ on your blog.

    Would you grant permission, please, to reproduce one of them in our magazine?



    1. Hi Norman:

      You have my authorization to use the Diablo Rojos pictures in your magazine. The only request is that you credit me and Lingua Franca in your publication. Other than that, it’s a green light.

      Thank you for considering my pictures in your magazine.



  19. Hi Omar, I rode hundreds of times on the Roosevelt, Amador and Porras as I lived in Nuevo Arraijan from 1947-1952 and commuted to Balboa Jr. High and Balboa High School by Chiva bus transportation. Bless you for bringing such fun memories to me! I heard those bells and whistles and waited at the ferry crossing. I miss beautiful Panama and cried when the ferries were removed. Thanks a million, Cindy Totty, San Diego, CA

    1. Hi Cindy:

      I’m so glad I was able to activate your memories of your stay in our country during the Forites and Fifties. I wasn’t fortunate to board these ferries. It’s too bad there are almost no pictures of them.

      Thanks a bunch for your encouraging comments.


  20. Morning Omar,
    In knowing your interest in photography I am sharing a link sent to me:

    It has the most amazing photos of a wide variety of places in the USA. Of the thousands of photos taken, these were the best ones, just goes to prove that the trick to getting the best shot is to shoot everything and select the best later. haha

    jim and nena
    fort worth, tx

  21. Hi Jim & Nena:

    Today is a national holiday in Panama. It’s Independence Day and everybody is out to see the parades. The city is vibrant and full of red, white and blue.

    Those photographs were magnificient. All 5,599 pictures of planes, buildings, trains, statues, vegetation, people, children and what have you.

    America is a beautiful country, exactly how the song goes; “America the Beautiful”.

    Thanks Jim. You made my day. I have a long way to go as far as photography is concerned.

    Enjoy your weekend and thanks again for this pictoric present.


  22. Hello,

    I was wondering if you accept guest post for your blog. If you do, I would like to submit a few. You can see a sample of my work at LaptopComputers.org under the author James Mowery. I’ve also written for several high-profile blogs like Mashable, Performancing, and CMSWire. Thank you for your time.

    – James

    1. Hi James:

      I just visited your blog and liked what I saw. The layout is very professional with excellent photographs. I see that you and other bloggers cover news on mobile phones, laptop computers and tablets. I love technology as you probably know. Go ahead and send me your suggested posts and I will evaluate them before adding them to Lingua Franca if you don’t mind.

      I appreciate your interest in writing for Lingua Franca.

      Best Regards,


  23. Omar

    awhile back when i’d posted about the diablos los rojos and maybe coming back down to panama and setting up interviews with a cross selection of the drivers but didn’t speak spanish you said you’d be interested in translating.

    are you still interested in doing that, maybe this december?

    contact me via email jene42 at yahoo.com as i am putting my year end plans.


  24. i live in puerto rico. my wife is from panama. how can i search for panama newapapers during the late 50’s?



  25. You are certainly a very interesting person. I will try to read or look up your sight often. Keep up the good work. It’s great.

  26. Hello Omar. I was recently in Panama (Dec 2010) and was unable due to time to take pictures at the French Canal Workers cemetery. I would like your permission to use one of your photos in a photo book I am making commemorating a partial transit my wife and I did through the canal from the south end. If you write to me at rezayas@gmail.com, I will give you more details. Thank you very much.


    1. Hi Raul:

      Too bad you could not make it to the French Cemetery. That place is full with history. You can go ahead and publish my photographs as long as you give me credit for them linking them to Lingua Franca. Other than that, please go ahead with your photo book. Good Luck.



  27. Liked Panama when I was there courtesy of Uncle Sam. Was on the north end, Colon I believe was the name of the city. Gatun locks were cool. Something about a ship in the middle of the jungle….
    Also spent some time in a small village called La Mesa. Women there can really cook.

  28. Like ships that pass in the night and sound their presence to each other…..I pass by and drop a friendly hello

  29. Please send us your phone number. Got the info from Chiriqui Chatter. We will be selling our home and will have to travel from David (via flight) to Panama City, Then Tampa, FL. I just want to put you in our records. Will need your services. Charlotte

  30. Hello,
    I’m researching photos of University of Panama – their Law and Political Science building. – I thought I saw that you had one when searching Google Images. The photo would be published in the college textbook, Claro que si by Caycedo, by publisher Cengage Learning.
    Plese let me know if you do have a high resolution digital image (jpeg) of the Law and Political Science building at the University of Panama, and if you would grant permission for it to be published in the Spanish language textbook. We could pay a small reproduction fee, or send a complimentary copy of the textbook, if you wish.

    Thank you very much,
    Susan Barlow
    Picture Researcher
    Cengage Learning

    1. Hello Susan:

      I have no objection in you using my photographs of the Law and Political Science building of the University of Panama. There will be no charge, since I was a college professor myself. If you could send me a complimentary copy of the text it would be most appreciated.

      Please click the link below to find a blog post with four photograph of aforementioned building. You can select the pictures that are most suitable for your project and download them directly to your site. All pictures are in jpeg format.


      Best of luck with your publishing project.


  31. hello epiac! it’s mando here! i ran across your lovely page which i bookmarked. glad to see you still posting away. anyway, i have the cnn cast, and lots of other news casts at my new site: http://www.radiomando.com please come visit us there. you will find some of the old regulars like lia, and so forth. hope you are well. peace.

    1. Hello Radio Mando:

      Hey Mando, what a pleasant surprise to find you here. I’ve been following your place, but not commenting much. I’ve seen you’ve made a lot of changes to Radio Mando for the better. Promise to return and say hello to the gang. The nice thing about your site, is that you can find several Internet TV spots in one single screen. As you know, more and more people are switching to Internet TV and cutting their TV cable connections.

      Best Regards,


  32. Hello Sir… My name is Tom Hempel and I am a watercolor artist living in Davenport, Iowa. I would like to use your image of the thatched-roofed home from your blog in 2009 as a basis for a painting. It won’t be an exact copy; I plan to make a few changes. In exchange for your permission, I will send you a print of my painting. Can you please tell me what country this home is from, and how you would like me to give you credit on the painting? I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you,
    Tom Hempel

    1. Hello Tom:

      I don’t recall exactly the photograph you are referring to. I think it could be a home located somewhere in the United Kingdom. The picture was captured from Pixdaus.com; therefore I did not take the picture. If you would like to use the picture, I have no objections and you don’t have to give me credit for it.

      Good luck with your painting project.

      Hi Tom: I think I found the photograph of the thatched roof cottage. It was indeed obtained from Pixdaus.com and the person who took the picture calls himself Zafar1. He’s the person who deserves credit for the image.



  33. Omar, thank you very much for your quick reply. I appreciate that you took the time to look that information up for me!

    Take care,

  34. Hello,

    I was wondering if you accept guest post for your blog. If you do, I would like to submit a few. I’m a recent college graduate, with an English major, looking to build out my portfolio. I can write on a wide variety of topics and am sure you would be happy with the quality. Please email me back if you are interested. Thank you for your time.

    – Kathleen Hubert

    1. Hi Kathleen:

      Thank you for showing interest in writing for Lingua Franca. At this moment I’m not accepting guest posts for my blog, however it could be an option in the future. If that should be the case, I would contact you at your e-mail address.

      Best of luck in your English career,


    1. Hello Humberto:

      I appreciate that you enjoyed Lingua Franca. Yes, you can subscribe to the blog by clicking the Feed button at the upper right hand side of the blog. Every time I write a new post, you will be notified through your e-mail address. It’s very easy in WordPress.

  35. hey there, just a quicky, is the theme that your using a custom one? The reason I ask I’ve been looking for one very similar but im struggling, perhaps you could please inform me from where you got it? thanks!, Christina

    1. Hello Christina:

      This is a WordPress theme called Misty. You can find it there free of charge. I only changed the photograph at the beginning of the theme. All the rest is exactly as it comes. WordPress is the best blogging platform available today.

      Good Luck,


  36. Hi,

    My sister and I have been researching our family surname “Plise” for about 30 years. Recently I came across an article that mentioned my ancester as owner of the island “Pedro Gonzalez”. My great, grt, grt grandfather “Victor Plise” purchased the island and 4 others in 1841 and they were still in the family in 1934. My problem is that I have emailed in the past and recently “The Archives of Panama” and “panainfo” with no response.

    My reason for contacting you is that I have seen some of your postings and that you live in Panama. I was hoping that you might have information on someone I could contact by email at the “Archives of Panama” to find information on my family.

    Thank you.



  37. It’s a shame you don’t have a donate button! I’d definitely donate to this superb blog! I guess for now i’ll settle for book-marking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to fresh updates and will share this blog with my Facebook group. Talk soon!

  38. Hi Omar:
    I am an Indian from Trinidad to Brazil via Panama City; will be in Panama just for 19 hours on March 3rd to 4th; want to visit the Panama Hindu temples/mandirs. Who can I contact? I want to post at our GLOBAL HINDUS facebook page and in the local newspapers here about Hindus in Panama and Brazil. On my way back to Trinidad I will be intransit in Panama for 5 hours on march 10th. My mail is deobisnath@yahoo.com
    This is our facebook pages:

    1. Hello Mr. Bisnath:

      I suggest you hire a taxi from the hotel you will be staying in Panama City. They should be able to help you obtain transportation to the Hindu Temple. This structure is not far away from downtown Panama.

      Best Regards,


  39. I think I got acquainted with you when you were unemployed and looking for a job. You were worried about how good your English was. You need not have worried. Your writing is nearly always flawless and while I cannot hear you speak, I can imagine the accent.

  40. Hi Abe:

    I’m trying to tame the beast, but it’s a tough cookie. In order to keep the blog interesting, the language has to be good. That’s why I try so hard to polish the language. Thank you for your evaluation. My accent is terrible, since I don’t speak English for years. The tongue loses the pronunciation and enunciation over the years.

    When I worked for Texaco I spoke English daily with my peers in New York, and my accent was pretty good; almost as good as a native American. However, that is no longer true.

    Hope you are feeling better. I follow your blog; excellent as the very first day I discovered it. Sendai is always in my memory.

    Best Regards,


  41. Hello Omar,
    First time reading your Blog. Really like it.
    I am moving from Hawaii to Panama and want to have a good relationship with Panama and the people there.

  42. Hello Omar: You have a terrific photo of Sec of Treasury, Timothy Geithner’s signature, on a dollar bill in your Aug 14, 2011 blog. The photo shows a copyright credit which is why I’m writing, as I’d like to license the photo for use in a video parody. Happy to pay stock photo rates or simply good will, but I did want to check before reusing it…

    1. Hi Robert:

      I have no objection for the use of one of my pictures for your video parody. The only condition is that you credit me for the photograph. I will make no charges for the use of my picture.

      Best of luck with your project,


  43. Hi Omar,

    I am very proud of you that you have spent your life without the children happily. And you have guided many people.

  44. I will be in Panama City starting on February 28 to begin a tour of your country. I was wondering if you might assist me in locating information about a relative who became a Panamanian citizen and lived in Panama City for 35 years from about 1915 until 1950. . He lived there with his wife.. I would be happy to supply more info if you would be kind enough to help me.
    Looking forward to hearing back from you. I very excited about my upcoming trip to your country.
    Sincerely, Susan Marx

  45. Are you Omar Upegui from Bocas del Toro?
    Do have a sister named Ofir?
    A brother Oscar, who used to work at Audio Foto.
    If so, glad to hear about you, I’m Carlos Rivera from Farm Eight.

    1. Hello Carlos:

      Yes sir, this me me alright. Right from Farm #8 in Changuinola, land of Chiquita Banana. If I remember correctly, you had a brother named Roberto, but was nicknamed “Pucho”, like his uncle. We used to play baseball on the lawn of your house. I remember we had lots of fun playing in Farm #8.

      Those were the best days of my life, albeit they were too short. It’s not fun growing up, and much less aging. I’m 66 now…and counting.

      Thank you for bringing me back to memory lanes.

      Warm Regards,


  46. Hi i am trying to locate camica Braithwaite who went to lived in Panama with her boyfiend on a banana boat from Jamaica about 80 to 90 years ago. Id like to find out if she had any children. Her brothers name was Linden Green who was my father.

  47. I have an 1986 1/10 panama coin. Is it rare, because I can’t find another one any here on the internet Is it worth anything? Thank you.

  48. Just wondering…are there any specific laws in Panama about taking photos of public buildings/private? Or shooting outside? I am planning to visit on business soon and will be hired by a private concern to do some photography work. What are the pros and cons of working there as foreigner? Your work is great!

    1. Hello LP:

      I am not aware of specific laws that would prohibit taking pictures of public or private buildings as long as they are taken from the outside. Some institutions will not allow pictures taken inside their premises. You will have to request written authorization to do so. The same is true for private sites for obvious reasons.

      Regarding the pros and cons of working here as a foreigner, I’m not in a position to answer thoroughly this question. I suggest you contact the Minstry of Labor in Panama or the Panamanian Embassy in your city or country.

      Best of luck with your photography project in Panama.



  49. Hi Omar,

    I truly appreciate your beautiful blog. It is quite inspiring. My family and I are coming to Panama City for a 10 day vacation in mid June. Your blog is part of the reason we are going. It is so insightful to the Panamanian mind and heart.

    Please email me if you would like to have a discourse that may answer some questions I have about your beautiful city.

    Kind Regards,


    1. Hi Peter:

      Thank you for your kind remarks about the usefulness of my blog. I’ll be more than glad to answer some of your questions to the best of my abilities. You should be receiving an e-mail from me soon.

      Warm Regards,


  50. Hi Omar,
    I am visiting Panama City for the first time soon. I loved your posts about fruit at the San Miguelito market. I have read on other web sites that the San Miguelito neighborhood is ‘dangerous’. Is it safe to drive to the market in a rental car and visit during the day? I really want to try all of that great-looking fruit!
    Thank you!!

    1. Hi Peter:

      San Miguelito is not a safe place. In some places, not even the police dare enter. They are considered “Red Zones”. If you are driving, try to use the main roads with the locks of your windows locked, and please do not walk out side. You are considered a “gringo” here, meaning that you are loaded with cash, so please be careful. If policemen are around, then you can walk outside, but in a careful manner.

      Even I avoid to go alone to San Miguelito. Usually I go with my wife who protects my back while I take my shots.

      Best of luck,


  51. Hola Omar, I enjoy your posts and your beautiful photos. I’d like to invite you to submit some of your photos to the first ever 2015 Panama Calendar Contest to share with the world and let others know about your blog. Please email info@PanamaCalendars.com if you are interested and I will send you the information.
    Glad to hear your ‘honest’ perspective rather than the typical rose colored glasses. Keep it up!

    1. Hola Debbie:

      Thank you for your wonderful and encouraging words. I truly appreciate your positive comments. Regarding the 2015 Panama Calendar Contest, I will pass on that event. My main and only interest is to place my pictures in Lingua Franca and share my view of Panama and its lifestyle with others around the world. Participating in pictorial contests is not really my cup of tea. Sorry about that.

      However, if you would like to promote my blog, I would by most thankful.

      Best Regards,


    1. I just returned from your Facebook page and made a comment about my frustration with setting up my DSLR camera for a correct exposue.

      Thank you so much for taking part of your time to help us understand the tricks behind the complex world of drawing with light.

      Best Wishes,


  52. Omar,
    I really enjoyed looking at your photos and reading your words.
    I am preparing for my first visit to Panama City in January and I think a google search on the Spanish restaurant El Angel linked to your blog.

    I will be alone on this visit, but will return before the rainy season with my wife, who uses a wheelchair.

    Any thoughts on wheelchair access in the Casco Viejo or other places where visitors like to wander?


    1. Wheelchairs should be no problem at Casco Viejo or the Coastal Strip. Even our buses have special accomodations for wheel chairs. I don’t foresee any problems for your wife traveling on a wheel chair.

      Best of luck during your stay in Panama.



  53. Hi, I enjoy reading your site! Is it okay to contact your through your email? Please email me back.


    cailynxxx gmail.com

  54. Morning Jim and Nena:

    I saw the video of the Lily camera. It’s almost like a science-fiction product from a Hollywood movie. This drone is absolutely amazing and so is the price—$499.00.

    I would consider buying it to use it here in Panama. It would be great to take pictures of the city, specially at the Cinta Costera.

    Thank you for opening my eyes.



    1. As I understand it, the $499 price is a discount with the camera being delivered some time next February. After the discount, the price rises to about $1,000. The company is collecting the money in advance to pay for the first production.

      1. At $499 the price is within reach of the average “wannabe” photographer. At $1,000, only the niche photographer would cough out that amount of cash.

        I’ll try to follow the development of this interesting device which is absolutely redefining the aerial camera. We are living in a fascinating era of technology. I consider myself very lucky to be alive in this period of time.



    1. Hello Faye:

      It seems like we are on the same page—we both enjoy blogging and taking pictures. Thank you for your kind words and for visiting Lingua Franca. Welcome back anytime. There is one new blog post every single day. Enjoy! 🙂



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